Monthly archive for July2016

Adventures in synchronicity

More often than seems reasonable according to the so-called laws of probability, life will grab my attention with a jaw-dropping coincidence or bit of synchronicity. For example, a rarely-encountered phrase or word or piece of information will show up in two different locations within hours….

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Kingsolver and King Billies

You know how you’ll be reading a novel and some passage will pull you up short, with a deep insight about some everyday thing—a new way of looking at something that feels so true and well-put and revelatory, a striking metaphor or turn of phrase….

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Soundtrackings: The Bard and the Birdman

  We’ve started watching Slings and Arrows, a marvelous Canadian series about the backstage, front office, and under-the-lights complications of a regional theater company as it mounts productions of Shakespeare, with each season built around a single play. The first season was devoted to Hamlet….

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